Suzanne Beecher
Contest Home
2020 Winners

Dear Reader,

You don’t have to be a writer to enter this year’s 16th Annual Write a DearReader Contest, it’s all about writing for fun. And you don’t even have to write your entry solo. Feel free to ask your spouse or a friend to collaborate on the entry.

When you submit your entry, be sure to include the name of your local library. If your entry is chosen as a First Place ($200), Second Place ($100), or Third Place ($50) winner, I will donate a 50% matching gift to your local library.

So get busy writing. Write about the day you wore your t-shirt inside out until some kind soul pointed it out to you. Tell us about the stray cat or dog you found curled up on your front porch, and how it was love at first sight. Write about your favorite aunt, a bizarre and whimsical woman who vacuums her living room in the buff. Describe the overwhelming love in your heart when you held your first grandchild, or how lost and alone you felt when your father passed away.

Does the thought of writing something that people will read give you the willies? Perfect. There’s your topic—write about your fear of writing. But start writing about something...because it’s time to enter the sixteenth annual Write a DearReader Contest. To review the guidelines and to read last year’s winning entries, click on the tabs on the right-hand side of this page.

Thanks for reading with me. It’s so good to read with friends.

Start writing,
Suzanne Beecher